About us

Why Q-Tech?

As the name suggests, Q stands for Quality and Tech for Technology.
We bet on the high quality and technology from does over 18 years old.

We only work with leading brands, offering our customers a wide range of products for their home and business.


Q-Tech is composed of 2 divisions:

- Houses Division:

Design, installation and verification of high-tech, quality and comfort systems for your home and business. HWe make it possible for our customers to enjoy their home or business without suffering constant breakdowns or problems. Thanks to our commitment, we can offer the same warranty on the installation as the product or even extend it.

Our installations are carried out in accordance with current regulations, specifications and manufacturer recommendations. In this way, not only is comfort and performance achieved, but the customer will also enjoy the quality for which they paid.

- Online SHOP Division:

Our ONLINE STORE. Unlike other Online Stores that you can find on the web, we, being installers, have installed each and every one of the products that we sell, so, in addition to having the operating experience, we will provide you with comprehensive technical advice that will ensure that you have no problems when purchasing one of our products.

Do you need more information about the installations we carry out?

On our page What do we do? I Services you will find more information.

Company name:


Registered office:

Birdie Street, 11 Balcon del Golf Complex
Urbanization Añoreta Golf
29730 - Victory Corner
Malaga – Spain

Postal address/deliveries/collections (office-warehouse):

Los Vegas Avenue 70B
Pol. Ind. El Viso
29006 – Malaga – Spain

Commercial Register:
Commercial Registry 5 MALAGA, Volume 4003, Book 2914, Folio 9, Sheet MA-82846e Entry 1º

CIF (Intra-Community - EU):

EN B92715523

DUNS Number:


Online dispute resolution pursuant to Art. 14.1 of Regulation (EU) 524/2013: The European Commission provides an online dispute resolution platform, which is available at the following link: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/

S/Art. 10 LSSI, 97.1 LGDCU

Our office / warehouse

Postal address (office-warehouse):
Los Vegas Avenue 70, (B)
El Viso Industrial Estate
29006 – Malaga – SPAIN

Sales and Administration:

  • Monday to Thursday: 9:30 - 17:00 and
  • Friday: 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
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