Infinity Pool Pump VS BWT
Infinity VS is a variable speed pump from BWT: convenience and reduced costs.
Infinity VS BWT Pool Pump Features:
- 3 programmable speeds.
- 5 configurable daily cycles.
- Better energy efficiency: up to 80% savings in electricity consumption. They adapt to the needs of the pool, being able to filter at a very low speed, which translates into significant savings on the electricity bill.
- Greater durability: by working at lower speeds, the pump experiences less wear, which means fewer breakdowns and a longer service life.
- Simple and intuitive filter cleaning program.
- Fully autonomous system.
- Automatic and configurable skimming function for cleaning the water sheet.
- Simple and intuitive information screen.
- The BWT Infinity VS 300 models include 2 digital outputs.
- Infinity VS 150 pump with permanent magnet motor.
The Infinity VS BWT pool pump protects and safeguards our installation:
- Surge protection.
- Motor overheat protection.
- Protection against supply voltage fluctuations.
- Protection against pump dry running.
- Protection against pipe breaks.
Automatic settings included:
- Automatic reset of protections.
- Error and event history
- Partial and total parameter counters.
Infinity VS BWT Pool Pump Flow Rates: