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Q-Tech enhances GF Hycleen connectivity

Q-Tech aims to improve and facilitate the implementation of intelligent control systems through simple and low-cost connectivity. In this way, it takes advantage of technological advances and remote monitoring that allow responding to alerts in real time, monitoring water status and temperatures/flows, and thus anticipating cost overruns/operational problems and more.

Remote access enables quick, informed decisions and immediate changes in response to any issues, ensuring continuous, efficient operations even when site access is not possible.

With numerous challenges identified, we strive to upgrade and empower one of the smartest hot water automation systems Hycleen by GF with IoT solutions supported by the reliable connectivity of routers or IoT gateway.

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Hycleen Automation System of GF - Cloud control
The Hycleen Automation System optimises thermal balance in potable water installations, ensuring efficient distribution of domestic hot water. It combines sensors, digitalised valves and a central controller to manage temperatures effectively. It also reduces energy consumption and improves comfort. Its innovative system ensures optimal hygiene and regulatory compliance, with remote maintenance and control functions, including access to data and immediate alarms. With IoT integration and cloud platforms, it allows multiple buildings to be managed centrally, reducing costs and response times.
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Q -Tech Visit the ISH 2023 - Messe Frankfurt
Q-Tech attended the ISH trade fair in Frankfurt to learn about the latest sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions in HVAC, heating and water treatment. The visit allowed them to identify innovative solutions for their customers and reaffirm their commitment to continuous improvement. Trust Q-Tech for high-quality and sustainable solutions.
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Q-Tech presents invisible viessmann, advance Ish 2023.


A compact heating and ventilation system that allows for optimal use of the home's space and free use of the building's interior. The narrow building houses a complete heating and ventilation system. The devices and system elements are hidden behind individually selected decorative panels and remain invisible.

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